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3 Chemicals You Need

Every pool owner has to deal with chemicals at some point in time. When dealing with chemicals, there are a few things that you should know. No matter how many chemicals you have, you should never attempt to mix them together. Also, you should never try to add water to dry chemicals of any form. Last but not least, you should never under any circumstances attempt to handle chemicals with your bare hands.

Throughout your time of owning a pool, there are 3 chemicals that you simply must have for your pool. These chemicals are very important, as you’ll be using them quite frequently.

1. Chlorine tablets

Chlorine tablets come in dimensions of either 1 inch or 3 inch. Chlorine tablets go in your skimmer, normally 3 - 4 tablets at a time. During the summer, when you run your pool on a daily basis, you’ll need to change out your tablets every week or so. If you are planning to use 2 skimmers, you’ll need around 8 tablets each week. You can buy chlorine tablets by the bucket, containing 30 - 50 tablets. They can tend to get expensive, around $80.00 a bucket, so you’ll need to have plenty of money to invest in your pool during the summer.

2. Alkaline powder

Even though chlorine in your water will help to kill off germs, it can also raise the level of acid in your pool. If you aren’t using enough alkaline, parts that contain metal will begin to corrode, turning your water a misty green color. On the other hand, if you are using too much alkaline powder, the water will get very cloudy, raising the level of germs in the water - which can lead to very dangerous health issues. In order to get the right about of alkaline powder in your pool water, you should always use brand name alkaline powders in the amount recommended by the package.

3. Chlorine powder

Chlorine powder is essential to killing germs such as algae and bacteria that exist in your pool and multiply at very fast speeds. To kill off these germs, you’ll need to use a large amount of chlorine powder in your water. Depending on the size of your pool, you may need to use more powder than others. Chlorine powder can tend to be expensive, so you should always check how much you need before you buy. This is a chemical you must have, as it’s impossible to keep your pool free of germs without it. If you have already bought it or if you plan to buy a large supply, you shouldn’t worry as you’ll always have the need for it - meaning that you can never buy enough chlorine powder.

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Swimming Pool

A swimming pool, swimming bath, wading pool, or simply a pool, is an artificially enclosed body of water intended for swimming or water-based recreation. There are many standard sizes; the largest and deepest is the Olympic size. A pool can be built either above or in the ground, and from materials such as metal, plastic, fiberglass or concrete.

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